This is a place to hear voices we’re not used to hearing...

...on subjects from leadership to identity politics, society, success and money.

Join Leonie Tillman in conversation with young people as she listens to their stories, thoughts, dreams, concerns, experiences and advice.


the podcast


– a place where we hear voices that we’re not used to hearing on subjects from leadership to identity politics, society, success and money.

We believe that if we have enough open conversations that we’ll be able to broaden our minds long enough to let some new thoughts creep in and help us figure out how to solve the strange predicaments we are experiencing.

If we can bridge the gap between young minds and the current gatekeepers of the professional and political world, maybe we can gather new viewpoints and get closer to a true unity.

From there, we can really win from greater creativity, innovation and a way to truly hear each other.

Season 2

Seaseon 2 is now here

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on Season 1

We absolutely loved putting this seaseon of YPGAA together!

Take a listen to all the episodes on your usual podcast streaming platforms!

Why not start with an episode we love...



Willow is 10 years old and spends most of the year living in Dubai where she has a busy schedule. She likes studying English, is a good debater and her mother thinks she would make a good lawyer (*wink), but so far, she is considering a future as a culinary chemist amongst other things. Her advice to adults is: be influenced by mindsets not people; hold onto one quality that defines you and nobody else; don’t live up to other people’s standards; be patient; and learn to ‘be potato’.

Young People Giving Adults Advice

A Podcast for young and old.

+61 0468-383-853

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